Global Era - Biz Factory

In a world of so many great technological, cultural, social and economic changes, new business opportunities may appear at anytime. Being connected is vital not to let these opportunities slip.

In a world of so many great technological, cultural, social and economic changes, new business opportunities may appear at anytime. Being connected is vital not to let these opportunities slip.

But just being alert to trends is not enough.

To take the opportunities and turn them into lucrative and innovative businesses, you need extensive research, excellent resources management and the ability to attract the best possible partners. To top it all off, you need experience

fills all the requirements.

We are a market observatory,
a lab of ideas and a
business factory.
All at the same time:
researching, planning, executing.

Market research, selecting projects, engaging partners, developing business plans, obtaining funding, starting companies and running its operations. That's what GLOBAL ERA BIZ FACTORY does.

The Biz Factory Projects

Global Era Biz Factory is constantly connected to what happens in the world. Our radars are turned on 24/7. Our team is always looking for new trends and trying to anticipate cultural changes, in order to identify new needs and unmet demands the society may have. Every time our radar captures an unfulfilled market demand, a new project may be born.

Projects Selection

Is there an unfulfilled demand detected by our team? Is there a new trend? It's time for a preliminary market study to verify whether the idea has the potential to be developed into a new business. Some ideas might die, while others will go further on.

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Engaging Partners

Our radar detected a trend, an idea was born and got approval from project selection. At this stage GLOBAL ERA BIZ FACTORY will look for a partner to share its vision. We are a business factory, and we need the involvement of people who are specialists in the targeted market.

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Business Plan

During the project selection the research is rather superficial. In the business plan phase, the enterprise will start to take shape. Planning requires extensive research and must cover the business from all angles. Defining business goals, the company's mission and target customers, studying the supply chain and competitors, developing the marketing, operations and financial plans. All of it will be considered to the smallest detail. Once the business plan has been finished, we will know whether the business is viable or not.

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Is the business viable? Now it's time to raise the necessary financial resources to ensure that ideas will turn into profit. We may use our own resources, we may use our partner's or we can go to the market and look for investors to fund our project.

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Starting The Business

With the business plan in hands and the funds in pocket, we will start the business operation. We'll put into practice everything we have carefully planned, and keep up with the hard work to ensure our efforts are well rewarded.

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Being Part
Of The Change

Global Era Biz Factory wants to take advantage of the cultural changes to make profit. But not just that. We want to have an active role on the process. Every time we identify an opportunity to start a business that might help society to be fairer and more just, more inclusive and healthier, we will concentrate our strengths into these projects.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to plan, create and run businesses that are lucrative to Global Era INC and to its associated partners.

Vision Statement

Our Vision is to start and develop businesses that are recognized by the ability to enchant customers, taking an innovative, creative and transparent part in the markets they are integrated.


Even before the existence of Global Era Biz Factory, its owners had already applied the company's philosophy in their business. Thus were created Global Era International and Impemax Costura:

Global Era

Global Era Rolamentos was founded in 2005 and is an importer/distributor of bearings and accessories for the Brazilian industry. Global Era focuses on quality, hence it is highly concerned on its product portfolio, being selective on suppliers and excelling at customer


Impemax Costura was founded in 2008. It's an importer/distributor of sewing machine parts and accessories. Impemax is distributor for the brands STRONG H, POWELL and QINPAI. These brands are widely spread throughout Brazil, thanks to the company's efficient distribution skills.

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Global Era - Biz Factory
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Projects Selection

Projects Selection

Is there an unfulfilled demand detected by our team? Is there a new trend? It's time for a preliminary market study to verify whether the idea has the potential to be developed into a new business. Some ideas might die, while others will go further on.

Engaging Partners

Engaging Partners

Our radar detected a trend, an idea was born and got approval from project selection. At this stage GLOBAL ERA BIZ FACTORY will look for a partner to share its vision. We are a business factory, and we need the involvement of people who are specialists in the targeted market.

Business Plan

Business Plan

During the project selection the research is rather superficial. In the business plan phase, the enterprise will start to take shape. Planning requires extensive research and must cover the business from all angles. Defining business goals, the company's mission and target customers, studying the supply chain and competitors, developing the marketing, operations and financial plans. All of it will be considered to the smallest detail. Once the business plan has been finished, we will know whether the business is viable or not.

Fontes de investimento


Is the business viable? Now it's time to raise the necessary financial resources to ensure that ideas will turn into profit. We may use our own resources, we may use our partner's or we can go to the market and look for investors to fund our project.

Começando o negócio

Starting The Business

With the business plan in hands and the funds in pocket, we will start the business operation. We'll put into practice everything we have carefully planned, and keep up with the hard work to ensure our efforts are well rewarded.

Thiago Andrada

Thiago Andrada majored in Marketing/Advertising at ESPM-SP. He is also graduated in International Business and Project Management. Worked in several areas, including Creative, Imports, Financial and Administrative. In 2005 he co-founded Global Era International, where he acted as CPO, CFO and COO. He also founded and is one of the partners at Impemax Costura Ltda. He is the current CEO of Global Era Biz Factory.

Daniel Andrada

Daniel Andrada majored in Engineering at UNICAMP and Business Administration at ESPM-SP. He is specialized in International Business Management and has profound knowledge of the Chinese culture and negotiating with Chinese companies. Worked as Commercial manager before co-founding Global Era International in 2005. Was Head of Business from 2005 to 2014. He is also co-founder/co-owner of Impemax Costura Ltda. He is the current CEO of Global Era Bearings.

Augusto Andrada Sobrinho

Augusto Andrada Sobrinho majored in Languages and Literature at FFLCH/SP. He founded his first company in 1967. For almost 50 years he has been creating and running companies, in the industry, commercial and service areas. His work experience includes business, finance and accounting management. He took part in the creation of enterprises in the fields of international business, construction, metallurgy, production and distribution of industrial equipment, publishing and retail. He is business advisor for Global Era Biz Factory.


Global Era

Global Era Rolamentos

Global Era Rolamentos was founded in 2005 and is an importer/distributor of bearings and accessories for the Brazilian industry. Global Era focuses on quality, hence it is highly concerned on its product portfolio, being selective on suppliers and excelling at customer

Costura Ltda

Impemax Costura Ltda

Impemax Costura was founded in 2008. It's an importer/distributor of sewing machine parts and accessories. Impemax is distributor for the brands STRONG H, POWELL and QINPAI. These brands are widely spread throughout Brazil, thanks to the company's efficient distribution skills.